NOTE: The complete schedule for 2022 will be posted by mid-March 2022.
Help with a variety of service projects that help people locally and globally:
– Create shoes from blue jeans for children in Uganda through Sole Hope who have been treated for jiggers.
– Color pictures to be sent to seniors in nursing homes; the homebound; veterans; and servicemen and women through Color-a-Smile.
– Put bookplates in books that will be donated to Hardwood Creek Library and the Washington County Library System.
– Sew diapers from t-shirts for newborns in third-world countries through Global Health Ministries.
– Color birthday cards for children recovering from trauma or loss due to a natural disaster through Camp Noah.
Bring items to donate:
o Non-perishable food for the Scandia-Marine Food Shelf.
o Coins for C.C. Bears (free teddy bears given to children with cancer through the Children’s Cancer Research Fund).o Eyeglasses for the Lions Recycle for Sight program and hearing aids the Lions Hearing program that will be repaired and given to those in need.
o Quarters for sponsoring a leader dog through the Leader Dogs for the Blind.