6:30-7:00 PM Getting on-line / Social / Virtual Happy Hour
7:00 PM Welcome Zone Chair Judy & DG Gina
7:05 PM Club & District leadership introductions
7:20 PM District Updates
● Midwinter Convention DG Gina / PCC Dave Dominick
● District Website (group emails, etc.) DG Gina / PDG Lynn Farley
7:30 PM Main Attraction
● How are your clubs doing – how have you been connecting/meeting?
– in person (park, etc.)
– on line virtually
– hybrid model (EX: Board meet in person, and membership meets virtually, etc.)
– still trying to establish a plan, consensus, suitable meeting place, etc.
● What is the main challenge you feel your club is facing during these times, if any?
● Any Issues / Concerns you have as a club leader?
● Any successful events / activities happening during these times? Any future plans or projects
in the works?
● How can we assist and / or support you at the District level?
7:55 PM Comments from Zone Chair
8:00 PM Adjourn
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